Saturday, February 18, 2012


Masa Kelahiran
Saya dilahirkan di Bandar Lampung, 30 Oktober 1996, saya adalah anak ke 2 dari 2 bersaudara, dan saya dinamakan Samuel Diwanda Sinaga oleh kedua orang tua saya, saya terlahir dengan keadaan normal. Orang tua saya merasa heran ketika melihat muka saya yang dipenuhi oleh bulu-bulu halus berwarna hitam disekitar pipi dan dagu saya. Menurut pengakuan orang tua saya, ketika saya lahir, saya tidak menangis, dan 4 jam kemudian saya baru mulai untuk menangis. Saya tidak memiliki cerita panjang saat masa kelahiran saya, karena orang tua saya hanya menceritakan sampai situ saja.

Masa Kanak-Kanak
Saat berusia 5 tahun, saya disekolahkan di Xaverius 1 Teluk Betung, saya termasuk anak yang tidak bisa diam, jadi saya sering sekali dmarahi oleh orang tua saya karena tidak bisa diam saat mengikuti pelajaran. Saya diantar jemput oleh ayah saya, namun saya diantar jemput hanya sekitar 2 Minggu saja, setelah itu saya pulang sekolah sendiri, tapi biasanya saya pulang degan teman-teman saya, kami jalandari sekolah menuju rumah kami masing-masing, waktu kecil saya sangatmenyukai sepak bola dan saya pun mempunyai tim favorit yaitu Barcelona.
Masa Remaja
Masa Remaja dikatakan orang adalah masa ketika seseorang mencari jati dirinya, saya mulai mengerti arti kehidupan ketika ada dimasa ini. Ketika masuk SMP, saya meninggalkan prestasi baik disekolah dasar, menjadi lulusan terbaik kelima di SD tersebut. Saya masuk SMPN 1 Bandar Lampung, sekolah terbaik kedua dibanding sekolah lainnya di Bandar Lampung.  Banyak cerita menarik ketika saya bersekolah di SMP, mulai dari yang baik hingga yang sangat baik. Ibu saya merupakan guru di SMP tersebut sehingga saya sangat berhati-hati dengan sikap saya didepan guru maupun teman. 

Ketika lulus SMP saya memilih sekolah diluar Pringsewu karena bosan dengan suasana disana, saya pun mencoba tes di SMAN 2 Bandar Lampung. Pertama masuk sekolah adalah waktu saat siswa-siswa di MOS. Saya masuk di regu Rujak. Dan saat hari pertama belajar di SMAN 2, saya masuk dikelas X7 dengan absen 26.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Tugu Tani

Artikel Afriyani

"Tragedi Tugu Tani" reminds us that a pedestrian and a person waiting at the bus stop can be a victim tragedy. Moreover, the riders and cars that were on the highway. Victims are young children who come home after playing futsal, and the most sad again is one of the families waiting at the bus stop to go home after a holiday weekend.It's tragic, what would the word of this is a fault of the motorist who lost control. Obviously if the rider would not be aware of pedestrians hit especially people waiting at bus stops. According to police quoted by analysis of television news is the driver of the car is a type of methamphetamine use drugs that make them lose consciousness. The local police are conducting further investigations on the tragedy "Tani monument" is. We just wait for it, the policy of the punishment given by the authorities. Is equivalent to the human toll that has taken place.Suspect cases of deadly tragedy Tugu Tani, Afriyani Susanti (29 years), otherwise do not have psychiatric disorders after undergoing psychiatric tests. Psychological tests conducted by 14 experts from RSKO, Biddokes Jakarta Police and BNN.Drug Investigation Director Jakarta Police, Sr. Comr Pol Nugroho Aji Wijayanto, said the psychological tests to Afriyani been completed. '' As a result, Afriyani outline is in normal condition without any psychiatric disorder,'' said Nugroho.Nugroho said he did not reveal the details can be Afriyani psychological test results because it is not for public consumption. However, the psychiatric examination Afriyani generally went smoothly without any obstacles. Psychological test results indicate a healthy and normal mental Afriyani.'' That is, the results of psychiatric examination it did not affect the case file that was submitted to the prosecutor,'' he said. '' The law of the case for Afriyani drug can be continued without any restrictions about the mental state.''
My Opinion :
Every violations must be have a responsibility, so the case with the afriyani is a case that should have a firm action because it has a lot of harm to others, and driving with the influence of alcohol is one of violation of norms that are so damaging, because it can endanger yourself and others.
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